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The Robots of Dawn by Isaac Asimov

Published by Bantam Spectra

Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

Twice now Detective Lije Bailey has put the Spacers in his debt. Although only a despised Earthling, he has solved two difficult murders for them. The latest was even made into a hyperwave drama.

Now the Spacers want him to solve another case for them. On their pre-eminent world, Aurora, a crime that is not exactly murder has been committed. On Aurora there are robots so much like humans that they are indistinguishable at a glance.

One of these robots has been destroyed, its positronic brain utterly and irrevocably burned out. To find the culprit, Bailey must delve into the inner workings of the Three Laws that govern robotic function.

When he arrives on Aurora, Bailey discovers another surprise -- the lovely Gladia, whom he had last seen on Solaria. She was found not guilty of her husband's death by reason of temporary insanity, and now lives in exile on Aurora. She struggles to deal with daily human contact after a lifetime on a world where people interact only via holographic projection. The parallel with Bailey's own battle against agoraphobia is clear to both of them.

But can Bailey deal wlth a relationshid with a Spacer on a personal level, rather than the purely official? He is a married man, and he does not find the temptation welcome.

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This review posted October 18, 2000

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