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Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffrey

Published by Bantam Books

Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

In Dragonsong Menolly had to struggle against prejudice to keep her music and ultimately win her place in the Harper Hall. Now that she has arrived, things are not the way she had always dreamed.

Try as she might, she can't seem to please anybody. Her nine firelizards always seem to be in the way, and have attracted the attention of several envious girls who take them as a sign that Menolly is getting above herself. Meanwhile, Menolly's natural humility inadvertantly annoys one of the Masters, who scolds her not to apologize so much.

Her only friend is the mischievous Piemur, but that friendship seems to be causing her as much trouble as it gives comfort. When neighboring Fort Hold sponsors a Gather, the envious girls use that as an excuse to claim that Menolly should be sent away from Harper Hall. Menolly must find a way to prove her own worth and attain her dreams.

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This review posted May 20, 1999

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